Appel européen (HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01-09)

Bonjour à tous,

Une réponse à l’appel européen (à venir) autour de la thématique de la recherche reproductible
est en préparation depuis plusieurs mois, sous la supervision d’Ulf Toelch et de Antonia Schrader. Je n’ai pu assister pour l’instant qu’à une seule réunion car le réseau français n’était pas encore vraiment constitué. Comme nous n’avons pas encore formellement de comité de pilotage, je propose de signer la lettre au nom du réseau français, sauf si quelqu’un hurle avant.

En ce qui concerne le contenu de la réponse (la proposition), il y encore un peu de marge pour discuter mais pas tant que ça car le consortium s’est formé en octobre 2022 et nous n’étions pas présent (en tout cas pas moi). Si il y a des personnes intéressées, le mieux est de me contacter directement pour voir la suite.

Il n’y aura qu’un seul lauréat sur cet appel et le montant est de 2 millions d’euros sur 5 ans à « partager » avec tous els réseaux partenaires selon leur engagement. Il s’agit donc plus d’un enjeu de visibilité que d’argent.

Ci-dessous quelques détails et le modèle de lettre de support où le réseau s’engage à soutenir des actions que nous faisons déjà par ailleurs. Il n’y donc pas de grosses pressions.


Dear French Reproducibility Network,

A consortium led by members of European Reproducibility Networks is currently preparing an application for an EU call (HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01-09). This call specifically addresses the need for joint action and mutual learning between national reproducibility networks in and beyond Europe. It builds on currently funded WIDERA projects: TIER2, OSIRIS, iRISE. All three projects address reproducibility in research/open science as a central theme. Some of the projects’ work package leads are associated with reproducibility networks and are also involved in the current planned application. This will ensure continuity and translation of the projects’ results. For the current application, we envision reproducibility networks as a central hub fulfilling three major tasks:

a. to inform their members and support implementation of interventions towards increased reproducibility

b. form a network of networks to align and push forward strategies and policies for reproducible research on national and international levels

c. provide educational and training materials and trainers to the community

The proposed support and research program aims to strengthen and support the reproducibility networks. A dedicated work package led by representatives of the German and UK Reproducibility Networks will support the founding of new networks, collate and provide good practice guides on governance and member engaging activities to strengthen existing networks, and organize joint events to foster exchange and mutual learning between networks and their members.

To strengthen our application, we would like to collect letters of support from the current (and emerging) networks. For this, a short text signed by a member of the steering committee is sufficient (draft below). Signing this document is not mandatory for your network to be a part of this project later on should it be funded. Our approach is, however, to present a comprehensive application that has many stakeholders involved to demonstrate stakeholder engagement at early stages. For all networks that sign this letter of support by September 1st, 2023, the latest, we will organize an online meeting early in 2024 to present our plans and receive feedback before submitting the application.

In addition, we like to take this opportunity to learn more about the organizational structures, activities, and efforts of your reproducibility network. Therefore, we prepared a survey and really much appreciate your participation. We will provide you more information on the survey and the access link in a second email.

Thank you for your support!

For further questions, please contact or

Letter of support

The __________ Reproducibility Network supports the application for HORIZON-WIDERA-2024-ERA-01-09 by the consortium represented by their spokespersons Ulf Toelch and Antonia Schrader.

Specifically, our network will support the application by the following actions:

a. Identify and contact members for implementation of specific interventions towards increased research reproducibility

b. Support information collection on policies for reproducible research

c. Engage in dissemination of findings and educational course and training material

d. Co-create strategies towards reproducible research practices

Signature: ____________

Signed on behalf of the ____________ Reproducibility Network

1 « J'aime »