Mooc Reproducible research: new self-paced session starting on 20 March 2020!

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all doing well. Tomorrow, the 3rd session of our MOOC “Reproducible research: Methodological principles for a transparent science” will open for one year. Compared to the previous sessions, we have added a lot of material to provide a smooth introduction to git and gitlab for beginners, an historical overview of reproducible research, overviews and testimonies of the issues of reproducibility and transparency in humanities and social sciences.

This MOOC is aimed at PhD students, researchers, master students, teachers, engineers from all disciplines who want to learn about modern and reliable publishing environments and tools. If you know someone who hasn’t followed it yet (or someone willing to check all our new additions), tell them it’s the perfect period to improve their research methodology! We have already more than 2000 persons registered and I’m still super late to disseminate the information to doctoral schools (in general, this kind of training is recognized by doctoral school as about 24 hours of lecture). All the information are available here.

Thanks for your help in disseminating this information.



P.S.: Spoiler, we are currently working on an other Reproducible Research MOOC that will target more technical aspects (e.g., software environment, data management, workflows).

1 « J'aime »

Hello everyone,

FYI, the MOOC has started now 2 months ago and there are more that 4400 registered people. The session is open until March 2021 so it’s still time to register.

I’d just like to share a few statistics from the 687 persons who answered the initial survey:

  • 59% men/41% women, 88% living in France, 20% whose native language is not French, 88 countries represented
  • A young public with 64% between 19 and 35 years old, and highly qualified with 91.7% of people with at least a 5-year higher education diploma
  • 49% PhD students, 8% students, 10% company employees, 14% civil service employees
  • 48% of the students or PhD students receive ECTS credits for the MOOC.
  • The participants’ disciplines are very diversified with however few participants from the humanities (see diagram below)
  • Many work in a research institute or university (see diagram below).

So it seems we’re reaching out the right audience but there is still room for improvement. So please help us spread the word.



1 « J'aime »